3 Things Every Parent Needs to Know About Hospital Birth

3 Things Every Parent Needs to Know About Hospital Birth is a clear, concise course created to empower consumers who are making decisions during pregnancy and childbirth, with information you will not find anywhere else on patient’s rights around hospital policy and consent forms. This course is also valuable to birth professionals (like doulas and childbirth educators) in need of a tool to inform their clients about the realities of standard care and some of the unique challenges of giving birth in a U.S. hospital.

Parents Will Gain

– Knowledge that you will not find in any childbirth class
– Confidence in knowing your rights as a consumer
– Understanding and examples of evidence-based care
– A glimpse inside how hospitals work and how that affects you
– Useful handouts you can take to the hospital with you

You are purchasing one year of access to the 35-minute video class + four handouts for empowered consumers, including “Hospital Policy,” “Communication in the Hospital,” and “I Have the Right To” (Informed Consent), and a guide to creating an advocacy plan with your doula.

“Tears in my eyes because of how much parents NEED the information that you are presenting here. And because of so much of what you’ve said here that parents DO NOT know, coming in. There’s a lot here I’d like to say to my clients, but can’t for various reasons. This is absolutely perfect and I can’t wait to start sharing it with them!”  – Doula, Baltimore, MD

Pros: click here to purchase the class in bulk for your clients at a deep discount!